Way Cool Games 2
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Thank you for using SimJack!
Installation is simple. Move all of the unzipped files to
the directory you want them to permanently reside (e.g. \SIMJACK).
Note: the *.SJP files are the predefined game parameter files.
They can be opened only within the application. Next, go to
the Program Manager and put the program item (the icon) in your
"Games" program group. This is done through the "New" command
under the "File" menu.
Removal is virtually the reverse of the installation. However,
you will also want to remove the SIMJACK.INI file that resides
in your Windows directory.
This program will improve your blackjack game! Why?
1. It contains a real-time advice facility which
statistically suggests what your next action
should be. No more guessing if you should "hit",
"stand", "double down", etc. Also, this advice
can be user defined.
2. It contains game simulation. Simulation is a
feature that allows rapid automated play. This
feature gives you insight on how blackjack games
transpire. Also, it can be used to validate any
user defined advice. See, good advice will win
you money over thousands of rounds of play.
3. It contains a full help facility containing basic
as well as advanced blackjack tutorials and ,of
course, help on the application itself.
This software is shareware and may be freely distributed.
You are not required to register this software; however,
unlicensed copies will be restricted to 25 rounds of play.
This restriction will effectively render the simulation
feature useless. There are two methods of registration.
1. You can register through Compuserve's Shareware
Registration (GO SWREG). SimJack is ID #3103. A $10
debit will appear on your CompuServe bill. You will
receive a license number via e-mail.
2. You can send e-mail to 74462,1600@compuserve.com and
request the address to send your $10 check or money
order. Sorry for the inconvenience; however, this
method will avoid street address obsolescence. After
receiving your payment, you will receive a license
number via e-mail.
Please, send back comments or questions! If the feedback
deems a new version release, then I will e-mail the registered
users and let them know of the details. I don't foresee any
additional cost for upgrades. For instance, existing license
numbers will be valid on any upgrade.
Keith Marting